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Thursday, February 7, 2008

Going to College Full Time and Working Full Time

Some of us are lucky enough not to have to consider "having to work" while attending college full time while others have no choice. Especially if you have a family to support, deciding whether to work or not really isn't up for question. So, exactly how to people do both? Its simple, it’s all in the mind! If you set your mind to focus on what has to be done and you stick to it (which can be challenging) it will happen. Trust me you can do it! The most convenient way to execute this would be possibly to take night classes if you work during the day or vice versa. You can even register for weekend courses. Yes, you may have to dedicate 2 to 3 hrs. of your Saturday to sitting in a lecture hall but guess what it is all worth it in the end. Remember it’s only a semester not a decade!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am lucky and I get the choice to live with my parents. A part time job is enough to support me. I also am attempting to supplement my income with blogging. The topic of my blog,University Scholar, is very similar to yours, and I am just starting out, yous should check it out.

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